Most insurance companies agree that having a dash cam is incredibly helpful when an accident occurs. All states should allow you to have a dashcam in your car, although most states don’t specifically mention them. They mention having an unobscured view.

You can mount your dash cam on the front window in 23 of the 50 States. All states require you to have a clear view while driving and some states specify how to mount your dash cam and the size it must be. Other states say that nothing should be on the front window, so dashboard mounting is an option.

It’s best to look up the specific laws for your state and find out what is required where you live. In the picture below I show all the states where you can mount your dash cam on your window and other pertinent information. You can even mount your own dash cam fairly easily if you are getting a single

States That Allow Window Dash Cam Mounting

While this list of states that allow dash cams on the front window may not be exactly correct, it is the best I could do with the information I had about what each state allows. Interpretations of the same law may differ from state to state, so this is a general idea of what should be allowed.

The chart below shows the name of each state and whether they allow front window mounting of dash cams. All states should allow you to mount your dash cam on your dashboard unless it obscures your view.

For example, Texas doesn’t allow objects on the window that may obscure vision or reduce the view, but it is legal to have a dash cam. So, to follow the law you would need to secure the dash cam to the dashboard.

YES (23) NO (27)
Alaska (Washington DC)
Arizona Alabama
Arkansas Connecticut
California Delaware
Colorada Florida
Hawaii Georgia
Illinois Idaho
Indiana Massachusetts
Iowa Michigan
Kansas Mississippi
Kentucky Montana
Louisiana Nebraska
Maine New Hampshire
Maryland New Jersey
Minnesota New Mexico
Missouri New York
Nevada North Dakota
North Carolina Ohio
Oregon Oklahoma
Utah Pennsylvania
Vermont Rhode Island
Washington South Carolina
Wisconsin South Dakota
West Virginia

The states that allow dash cams usually have restrictions about where you need to place your dash cam. Most say that the dash cam should be in the lower left or right bottom corner of the window. Some say that you can place the dash cam behind the mirror.

There are also size limitations for the dash cams on windows. Most states say that if your place the dash cam on the lower left side then it should be less than a 5″ square and on the right side less than a 7″ square, but there are all sorts of variations. Check your state to make sure which you need. (see article –

In addition to where you should put your dash cam, some states want you to inform any passengers if you will be recording using your dash cam.

If you carry passengers regularly then you may want to have a sign stating the vehicle is equipped with a dash cam that records audio and video for security purposes and entering the vehicle gives consent to use the dash cam. This can help avoid any legal issues that might occur.

The states that do not allow dash cams on the window may in the future clarify that dash cams are legal, but until they clarify the law you can be safe by only attaching the dash cam on the dashboard in a way that doesn’t obscure your view of the road.

I haven’t seen any state forbidding the use of dash cams, although most are clear about not placing anything on the windshield or in any area that can cause the driver to restrict their view outside.

While using a dash cam is legal, the size, placement, or other factor might make it illegal to use. It’s best find your states legal requirement just to be sure. The website ( has links to each states codes so you can check it out yourself.

Find Out More About Dash Cams

Record all those rogue drivers who cut you away for an illegal U-turn; celebrity’s Lamborghini that was in front of you; or the ghost that stood to wave its hand and upload it on YouTube. Welcome the dash cam, the gadget which exactly means – a cam for your car’s dashboard. This gadget is infamous for winning court cases with video evidence.

Wait, you can’t install this dash camera straight onto the dashboard. Dashboard cams are easily mountable over the windshield using a suction cup tilted downward to keep the hood visible. This method avoids washed-out pictures while steering with the sun in front.

The power cable is a crucial issue in dash cam installation. You can fix it easily with possible methods because the majority of dash cams have low battery time. Many dash cams need to get plugged into the car’s 12-volt system to function while driving. Most cars come with one or more 12-volt sockets. Simple dash cam installation needs just a 12-volt socket.

Hardwiring A 12 Volt Dash Cam

You might need to add a dash cam to your car forever. Ask the local car gadget installation agent to add it. This kind of work needs a seasoned worker. The cut cable of the Dash Cam must be wired into the car’s available power circuits. The cable must be hidden within the insides of the car.

1. Best Place For Your Dash Cam

The driver needs to try various positions for the dash cam to be safe and and get a good view in front of you; however, don’t mount the dash cam in an area that impedes your perspective of the street ahead.

2. Find the Fusebox

We have to know where the wire box remains because towards the circuit box a force link runs from the dash cam. Most cars possess a breaker box on the lower side of the dashboard near the driver’s or traveler’s seat. In this scenario, at the back of the removable board, the fuse box is efficiently open below the direct unit.

3. Use the force link

From the dash cam, spread the force link at a place it may run after fixing it at the back of the inside boards. The problem is the amount of slack to leave in transit down to the circuit box and the place to course the link.

4. Begin to tuck the force link inside the primary event.

Begin to tuck the force link inside the primary event.
Photo Credit:

Pulling over the elastic trim across the A-column reveals the hole on which the force link might run beginning at the headliner till the circuit box. Rarely, it calls for the evacuation of the A-column spread. This is because it allows full access to the area of the vehicle to direct the force link.

Several A-column spreads may be removed; use the car manual; speak to a specialist to help you with the uprooting. Uprooting an A-column is not entirely necessary.

5. Tuck the force link beside the wires on the A-column.

Put the force link circling the sides and back of whatever is left of the inside boards below the circuit box.

6. Locate a wire that is hot

Well, vehicle breakers usually contain power every time. It is hot to touch, and it should be added to the circuit unit. Use a circuit analyzer to find out which wire is heated.

7. Circuit analyzer and add the created unit

You must utilize the circuit analyzer to guarantee there is no force at the breaker while the ignition key is not operating. A force is seen as a light whenever you put the ignition key in the run position.

Check if the key expels after ignition. Use a pincer or the breaker puller accurately to remove the circuit that you identified. Add the circuit inside the establishment. Pack the one you removed, including the breaker circuit. Ensure to plug in the A-circuit inside the void spots.

8. Power up the Introduce

Store your large-size force wire using the zip attached. Secure the mounting point beneath the kickboard and dashboard; utilize as many zip ties as possible.

9. Test the Dash Cam

Test the Dash Cam
Photo Credit:

Turn the dash cam to run position using your embed key with the ignition. Make sure everything is installed well and introduced efficiently. Once turned ON, start recording your stuff using the dash cam.

10. Some Moisture Holds the Seal

Place some water over the dry area. This enables the suction cup to protect the seal. Use some water along with Vaseline to make it more strong.

11. Give Strong Pressure and Grip

Find your target on the windshield, and give pressure over the middle of the mount. This pushes all the trapped air in the mount alongside the parts of the windshield away from the mount. Place direct pressure for a minute to protect the mount from falling:

  • Fix cam using glue strips.
  • Level the feature and check to see if cam perspective does not have obstacles.
  • Be super cautious about a number of glue strips.
  • Once the cam is precisely lined, fix it using the strips.
  • Utilize glue tape to hide the wires.
  • Or use semi-perpetual plastic snares.
  • Use the method to hold the links up, and easily uproot it whenever the need arises.

Importance of Installing Dash Cams

Surveillance and security are at the peak requirement these days wherein dash cams play a vital role in providing utmost security to your cars. Installing dash cams is as important as installing the GPS tracker in your car these days.

High-quality digital cameras can get highly expensive for you; thereby, dash cams in such cases can fit perfectly into your set pockets. Also, the in-built in-car recorders of the dash cams can assist you in recording top-notch voice that adds up to your car’s safety.


Use the best dash cam for cars that are available in the marketplace to ensure that you achieve outstanding results. This is the easy way to install a dash cam using only simple tools and methods.

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